Have a look at all our excellent facilities and what we have to offer for you and your child on the start of their schooling journey.
Overlooking greenbelt fields, in which horses from our neighbouring riding school are usually grazing and within walking distance of Polesden Lacey National Trust, the Playschool really benefits from it's idyllic location.
Set within the grounds of Polesden Lacey Infant School, we occupy our own classroom that has been specifically designed with children in mind. Worktops and washbasins are all at their level, along with dedicated toilet cubicles, the children are able to access independently when they feel able.
We have a small kitchen area on site, that the children are able to use to make and bake sandwiches, biscuits, jam tarts, fruit salads and even apple crumble!
The enclosed outdoor classroom, is perfect for messy play with it's water table, sandpit and painting and our dedicated quadrant in the School's allotment, makes a great place for getting hands dirty. Growing a variety of plants and flowers as well as herbs and vegetables that on successful years have even made their way into our kitchen and onto our plates.