We run mixed sessions for our Cygnets (2.5-3 years) and Swans (3-4 years), as research indicates there are many benefits to mixed age grouping.
Parents have the choice of morning sessions (9am-12pm), afternoon sessions (12pm - 3pm) or full days (9am-3pm), with extended sessions, should you require it, with our Early Bird and Extended Session options. We try to be as flexible as possible when offering sessions, to support parents as best we can.
A Typical Day at Polesden Lacey Playschool
08.30 a.m. Early Bird children arrive for breakfast. (optional extra, booking required)
09.00 a.m. Children arrive, once they have put their belongings away they self register using their name card.
09.20 a.m. Circle time – we all come together on the carpet to say good morning and talk about what we will be doing today. A helper of the day is selected.
09.25 a.m. The helper of the day prepares snacks for everybody, the snack bar is open.
The children are free to explore their learning environment and take part in a selection of activities both indoors and outside including:
Sand play
Water play
Computer Time
Arts and Crafts
Dressing up and role play
Table top activities
Ride ons (trikes and Little Tykes in the playground)
11.10 a.m. Snack bar closes/ tidy up time.
11.20 a.m. Group work – the children are split into three adult led groups where children can take part in activities to build on their knowledge and skills.
11.40 a.m. Storytime and singing.
11.55 a.m. Home time preparation for the morning children.
The children staying all day wash their hands in preparation for lunchtime.
12.00 p.m. The morning children go home.
The afternoon children arrive and all children eat their lunch together.
12.20 p.m. The children are free to explore their learning environment and take part in a selection of activities both indoors and outside.
2.35 p.m. Tidy up time
2.45 p.m. Story, songs or a whole group activity such as musical instruments, ring games or celebrating today’s achievements / birthdays.
2.55 p.m. The children wash their hands, then collect their belongings for home time. We sing the goodbye song.
3.00 p.m. Home time
3.15 p.m. Extended session collection time. (optional extra, booking required)
As we are on site of Polesden Lacey Infant School and due to the fantastic working partnership that we have, we are free to make use of their incredible facilities, which includes their playground, orchard, allotment, trim trail, mud kitchen, sand pit, pond and hall for any indoor activities like music and movement or parachute play.
In addition to following the Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS) National Curriculum we also offer regular cookery sessions and try to spend as much time as we can in the allotment planting flowers, herbs, fruits and vegetables that we can even sometimes manage to make use of in our cooking!
We also fundraise throughout the year to offer the opportunity for educational visitors and additional workshops if funds allow.
Early Bird & Extended Sessions
We run an Early Bird Club (from 8:30 - 9:00am) and an Extended Session (from 3:00 - 3:15pm).
Early Bird is charged at £5 per session and includes breakfast if required.
Extended Sessions are charged at £2 per session.
They can be a one off or regular booking, but are subject to availability and should be booked in advance with our Administrator.